Eight inches of snow in Seattle wreaked havoc with our travel plans but the good news is that I wound up getting to go to the Geo-solstice, at the Gingerbread House, geomagetic.tv’s party celebrating nine years with the Phoenix Family. Solid sets from Saturnia and Witchdokta and then a great one from Dr. Spook. Good stuff upstairs too from ClyMAX, Diplomatic, and Kush Aurora.
It was a young crowd … hanging out on the stairs at one point, a guy started up a conversation with me by saying “at your age, you’re still coming out here, do you still feel the vibe?” Yeah, totally, but I’m not sure how I feel about the the “at your age” part. The dialog continued:
“Is this something you were doing back when you were our age?”
“No, I was a punk.”
“Huh. In one sentence, what’s the same between the scenes?”*
“Out of the mainstream. It’s not the mall.”
“And what’s the biggest difference?”
“Musicians are a lot more competent now. Back then a lot couldn’t even play their instruments.” Which was part of the rawness and excitement but still.
Then he had me pick one word to write on him to sum it all up — somebody had just written “juggler” on his chest. He pointed to a place on his shoulder. I thought about it for a moment and wrote “better”.
* are they teaching precision questioning in college these days?