A few weeks ago Agency.com and Skittles kicked off “Interweb the rainbowâ€, a brilliant marketing campaign that involved multiple social networks. The idea was simple: replace the Skittles.com home page with different social network sites. Late that Sunday evening, they set it up to show everything that people were saying on Twitter about Skittles. Everything, good, bad, or indifferent.
On Monday, Skittles was the #1 topic on Twitter.
By Tuesday, there were zillions of blog posts as well as positive presss in the Wall Street Journal, LA Times, the Financial Times and Advertising Age. Â Gender differences in response to Skittlemania has oodles more links.
In this series I’ll discuss what activists can learn from the Skittles experience — and poets, too, for reasons that’ll become clear in the next few days.
More here, on The Seminal.
Thanks to everybody who gave feedback on the draft version I posted earlier (which also gives some ideas about what next week’s installment will cover). Apologies in advance; if I missed anybody in the credits at the end of the article in the Seminal; please let me know and we’ll get it fixed.
And what a great chance for first-hand experience with activism on Twitter! It’s easy, too. You can start by retweeting my request for help digging this article:
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