Facebook: all your content are belong to us. FOREVER! Protests ensue.
Facebook’s terms of service (TOS) used to say that when you closed an account on their network, any rights they claimed to the original content you uploaded would expire. Not anymore.
And people aren’t happy about it. Anne Kathrine Yojana Petterøe’s People Against the new Terms of Service (TOS) protest group had about 900 members when I joined at 7:30. By the time I posted this at 9:30 it was over 1650, which puts the growth rate at an astonishing 35%+ per hour. After inviting another 50+ people on Facebook and retweeting, I sent mail to some colleagues encouraging them to check it out:
If you haven’t been tracking social network activism campaigns, this could be an intersting one. The “call to action” in the protest group is very crisp; and it’s a great example of a campaign crossing social networks.
A Twitter search for “TOS” is a good way to follow the discussion; the Twitter #facebook hashtag is hopping as well. Both have been in the top 10 trending topics on Twitter all morning, with TOS currently at #2.